Tuesday, 26 May 2015

5 Top Hair Growth Tips

Summer is a great time to grow out your hair with protective styling, or adopt a new styling regime. The rate of hair growth differs for each person, but here are five hair growth tips to try.

1. The way you wash your hair will weigh- in on your hair growth. Use a sulfate free shampoo, and keep shampoo limited to your scalp. Also, try drying your hair with a t-shirt instead of using a towel to avod friction on your hair shaft.
2. Drink more water!
3. Food and Vitamins with Vitamin C, E, and Biotin in them are great supplements that promote healthy and strong hair.
4. Leave your hair alone! Try to avoid continuous brushing or styling to your hair over a long period of time; the results of manipulating yur hair so much will make your hair weak. Treat your hair well, and trim your dead ends when you need them.
5.Stimulate your scalp. Give yourself a hot oil treatment or scalp massage. Any hair oil is ideal for a treatemnt; they work best the night before you shampoo your hair.

